This Woman Almost Filmed Her Own Death When This 2x4 Flew Into Her Windshield

This Woman Almost Filmed Her Own Death When This 2x4 Flew Into Her Windshield

Wendy Cobb will probably never forget the 40 seconds you're about to see.
She was driving along an expressway in Shelby, North Carolina, when she saw that two autos before her were holding up activity wrongfully. Deliberately, she took out her iPhone and began shooting it, presumably with the trusts of reporting it later. That is the point at which a bit of wood came lurching through her auto's windshield, almost taking her life...

She feels lucky to have survived the incident, and who could really blame her? This is a crazy freak accident.

The two-by-four came dangerously close to Cobb in the car, but luckily none of the shattered glass really affected her.

(via Daily Mail)

While it's technically not anyone's fault, this is exactly why it is so dangerous to leave giant pieces of trash on the road. Presumably, it fell off another truck. It was then kicked up into her car and easily could have killed Cobb or another driver. Even if she hadn't been filming, this all happened so fast that defensive driving probably wouldn't have helped.

Stay safe out there, everyone.

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